Lemon Grove Childcare Center (Business) in Lemon Grove
Full information about Lemon Grove Childcare Center in Lemon Grove: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Lemon Grove Childcare Center on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Lemon Grove Childcare Center:
3468 Citrus St, Suite A, Lemon Grove, California (CA), 91945
(619) 439-7017
EditLemon Grove Childcare Center opening hours:
Mon-Fri: 7:00am- 5:30pm
EditReviews about Lemon Grove Childcare Center:
About Lemon Grove Childcare Center:
Lemon Grove Childcare Center is a quality early childhood education provider that will have your children prepared for success. We offer an excellent, supportive environment filled with fun, loving, and qualified educators that will provide your children with the resources they need to succeed. Our staff is passionate about early childhood education and your child's success in school.
EditBusiness nearest to Lemon Grove Childcare Center:
Artex Typesetting & Printing Lemon Grove, Business; 7303 Broadway, Lemon Grove, CA, 91945-1510; (619) 463-9914
Lemon Grove Ornamental Iron Works Lemon Grove, Business; 7272 Broadway, Lemon Grove, CA, 91945-1507; (619) 466-8246
Mission Outreach Ministries Inc Lemon Grove, Business; 3468 Citrus St, Lemon Grove, CA, 91945-1532; (619) 741-3096
Motorcycle City Lemon Grove, Business; 7302 Broadway, Lemon Grove, CA, 91945-1509; (619) 589-1602